Picking up where I left off and pressing forward

I'll try to list out a few things that I've been working on lately.

Seat rail strips - installed 

Control mixer re-installed, stick posts drilled, have grips ready. Need to decide on doing a bend in the control stick, and what paint should be used on the aluminum before the grip install and completing the assembly for "final" install.

Rudder petals installed and ready to go. Found that the brake petal insert that holds the rudder cables will need to have it's powdercoating removed so it can fit to attach the brake and rudders together and articulate. I'm going to pick up gasket remover tomorrow and hopefully get these and a few other things de-powdercoated so they can be fit and installed.

Fitting the TK1 gear and plan on using the higher deck angle to work on the bottom stringer.

Once the bottom stringer is on, I'll be able to bend and install the main elevator push-pull tube.

I'd like to test out my Oratex covering for the seat panels instead of using the stock aluminum. I have some trial Oratex in Olive Drab that will be tested for the seat backs first.

I started making small piles for different project areas. I have a tailwheel spot on the floor, the gear assy under the fuse, trimmer stuff and flap handle kit on the table, seats and accessories, wheel parts all in a box. 

It's good to have so much progress happening.

I feel like I'm missing a few items for the superstol type tail stinger. More things to ask Jak and Steve about.


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